
Our youth have invented new kind of entertainment. All lovers of biking are going to meet at Giproruda (district of Kostomuksha) at August, 30 to compete in speed and skills of biking.

The competition will be divided to three parts. The first is cross country or racing at crossed landscape. The second is figure biking, where skills of driving will be appreciated. It includes; eight, slalom, taking and moving items etc. And third part is surplus (staying at the same place).

Start and finish of all three kinds of the competition will be at  asphalt square  near sport hall Giproruda. Distance of cross country is across all region of Giproruda.

The winners will be determined both at every part of the competition and in total. Boys and girls are judged    separately. Also separate awarding of one and multi-speed bikes is possible.

All who desire are invited. The registration is being made at ul. Octjabrskaja,3, first underground, office of Antinarkota project, phone 4-44-44. From 14.00 till 20.00 on working days.

Gornjak, August,16

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