Help yourself!
I am addressing to you, guys already using drugs or those who has
the interest to them and desire to try. I am familiar with a trouble called drug abuse really closely, I myself has
passed through a nightmare of abstinential syndrom, firstly having tested
multi-coloured dreams of the intoxication, and then sustained a difficult way of disaccustoming and struggle with
dependence. It is expensive and bitter experience, it is irrevocable loss of set
of instants of your life, which damage your health and forces young organism.
But I have things to tell you, and
things to learn at, warning you.
The people dependent on drugs
are not born, most of them become
dependent also by a silly accident,
in the wrong companies, because of idleness or true emptiness. Someone is
looking for a consolation of
personal problems in drugs , someone - variety at a background of gray
monotonous everyday life, someone - way to achieve
unknown and bright experience. But everyone find only one thing - slavish
dependence on drugs, illnesses, self-destruction and as a result premature
painful death. In the best case it is possible to get rid of dependence, to
recover, but the traumas put by intervention of poisonous substances into
organism, can not be healed for
long time, and disharmony in a soul, break
in consciousness remains even longer.
Everyone, who has tried a drug for the first time, hardly realize his
possible dependence, I never shall get used so, that I shall be wholly and
completely to depend on a new doze, he thinks. But he is mistaken, and this
fatal mistake can cost him a life.
Testing a drug for a first time, the man, especially young, adheres himself, and
begins his falling into a hell, whence most often return way is not present.
Guys, understand: a drug is not your comrade, not
adviser in your life and not a conductor into the wonderful worlds. It
will not help to solve everyday problems, but will enhance them only. It will
not prompt you a correct road, you can choose
such road, only on a sober head, clearly looking at the world around
yourself. What for to leave the present reality, what for to disappear from it
in the shadow of the intoxication, while it gives so much opportunities for
realization of the person and achievement of happiness?!
Now arises ever more than clinics, Centres of rehabilitation new
techniques of treatment and removal of dependence. But, first, it is not
necessary to believe in a miracle, you see nobody can give
an absolute guarantee, and secondly, what for to lead up business before?
Yes, drug abuse is an illness, which is necessary
to treat, but it is only a consequence, its`
reason is our weakness, ignorance
and absence
of will.
It is possible to speak much about ways of the decision of the problem,
about attraction of various public forces and interested groups, about
development of activity of the experts, about
role of authorities. But, in my view, the most important is a personal
position, ability to tell in time is not present! to create for oneself firm
internal values and vital vectors, directed in the party of health, physical and
intellectual perfection, social and creative activity.
Guys, look at the world clearly, being able to feel pleasure and sense of life, that is, to protect uniqueness of yourself a and perfect essence - individuality, and then you can help yourselves.
Alexander .,
volunteer of the "Antinarkota" project.