Millennium without drugs

Seminar Millennium without drugs took place at September 12-13 in Kajaani, Kainuu region. It was held as a part of Antinarkota project implementation and was devoted to drug abuse problems, prophylactics and preventing of drug abusing and propaganda of healthy way of living.

Besides project teams of Kajaani and Kostomuksha mayor Mr Yurinov, vice mayor Ms Fantina, head of Kajaani Counsil Mr Erkki Moilanen, Olli Saarela, head of culture, sport and youth policy, representative of police, teachers, medical workers, students of Oulu University branch were present.

At the seminar different approaches for solving complex problems of drug abusing and making society more healthy were discussed. Specialists of cross border regions  were exchanging by their experience in working with youth, were introducing new social and informational technologies aiming development of culture and sport.

Summing up results of the seminar, participants appreciated highly results of implementation of Antinarkota project, which program is already implemented at a half according to action plan. Also decision of enlarging partner cooperation between Kajaani and Kostomuksha in sphere of drug abuse prophylactics and promoting healthy way of living, culture, sport and education was taken.

What else do leaders of the project do? During several month members of Antinarkota in cooperation with specialists of SDIA (State Department of Inner Affairs), psychologist and narcologist are having meetings in working collectives of our town. At the meeting it is said about drug abuse problems and how children can avoid it.

As meetings showed parents often take off their responsibility for breeding their children, that really worries specialists. Parents do not pay enough attention to the fact how their children spend free time, what kind of interests they have. Mostly people said at the meetings that school, militia, entertainment organizations are guilty in children problems.

Also interesting data are got by questioning of adults and youth by Antinarkota project (Pls see  articles Alternative is necessary to drugs, 27.06.02 KN,   and Adults do care, KN, 19.09.02, by Andrei Gubarev).

As Ludmila Andreeva, head physician and senior advisor of the project said: solving drug abuse problem should be begun from educating young parents, from propaganda of healthy way of living.

Considering that problem of drug abusing is very acute in our town, it was decided to devote one session of town Council to it.

Skornjakova Y.Gornjak, 27.09.02

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