Millennium without drugs
Millennium without drugs took place at September 12-13 in Kajaani, Kainuu
region. It was held as a part of Antinarkota project implementation and
was devoted to drug abuse problems, prophylactics and preventing of drug abusing
and propaganda of healthy way of living.
project teams of Kajaani and Kostomuksha mayor Mr Yurinov, vice mayor Ms Fantina,
head of Kajaani Counsil Mr Erkki Moilanen, Olli Saarela, head of culture, sport
and youth policy, representative of police, teachers, medical workers, students
of Oulu University branch were present.
the seminar different approaches for solving complex problems of drug abusing
and making society more healthy were discussed. Specialists of cross border
regions were exchanging by their
experience in working with youth, were introducing new social and informational
technologies aiming development of culture and sport.
up results of the seminar, participants appreciated highly results of
implementation of Antinarkota project, which program is already
implemented at a half according to action plan. Also decision of enlarging
partner cooperation between Kajaani and Kostomuksha in sphere of drug abuse
prophylactics and promoting healthy way of living, culture, sport and education
was taken.
Konstantin Barezhev, manager
of Antinarkota project
Kostamuksha News, 19.09.02