Resultative anti-drug management
International center of anti-drug policy of Saint Petersburg State University at
February, 14&15 training seminar for representatives of Karelian local
authorities Resultative anti-drug management was held.
the seminar were heads or vice heads of local authorities from Belomorsk, Kem, Segeza and other
regions of Karelia who are responsible for prophylactics of drug abusing.
How to stop drug dissemination on the territory of an administrative region? The seminar was devoted to solving this problem. Its` main theme was innovative model of complex program Town (region) without drugs.
- The main thing is that local authorities should take a responsibility of solving this problem themselves, not waiting when it will be solved at federal level, - Georgii Zazulin, coordinator of International center and representative of ECAD in Russia, consider. Recently good basis for solving such problems at region level appeared. At October, 28, 2001 the Safety Council of Russian Federation accepted Statement About measures of improving sate policy in sphere of drug dissemination in the country. In article 4 it stated; To recommend to heads of authorities of subjects of Russian Federation together with representatives of president in federal regionsto make regional and municipal anti-drug programs and support its` financing; to form coordination anti-drug organs and support its` cooperation with corresponding structures at federal level in federal regions.
There were a lot of
such programs werent there? What interfere to be them effective?
We should reject bad practice of struggle by official organs. Who is
responsible for problems of drug abusing? Militia and medicine. But if problem
concerns three or four organs it will be not solved for a long time! The root of
solving problem is in educating authorities, in connecting knowledge and
authority ( may by as a vicemayor who would be responsible for results of
struggle against drug abusing in a region) Programs are being written
everywhere, but they are not special-purposed. Saying figural, we have musicians
and good ones. But we have no conductor and score. Everyone plays melodies he
likes. First of all we should understand what kind of anti-drug conductor we
want to see and what kind of score in the symphony he should have.
- How important problem of struggle against drugs for your town?
- Very important because of specifics of our town. The town is youth one, most of population is younger than 30 years old. And we want our youth to stay in Kostomuksha, to feel comfortably. All activities of the project are purposed for that. Our town is member of ECAD. We are very interested in activities of this organization. When I was going here I hoped to meet specialists from Kem, Sortavala, Petrozavodsk, Segeza, to get known about experience of their struggle against drugs.
- Does training at seminar influence on development of your project? Are you going to correct it according to ECAD recommendations?
One of the principles of Tacis projects is openness. Though
Antinarkota project has its` specifics. It is not militia, medical or
sport, but mainly informational. We want to give more correct information to
children, parents, medical workers, social workers about harmful and
destructive action of drugs. About how to get back to normal life. About values
of healthy way of living. Our project is not state one, not commercial. We are
creating new system of motivation, fashion of healthy way of living At the
seminar it is discussed in details how to write special-purposed programs
concerning struggle with drug abusing. But we have different criteria. We make
sociological researches to evaluate effectiveness of our programs. Questioning
of youth, parents and specialists help us to evaluate involvement of them into
our activities. For instance, this year we had Onezskie starti competition
and we took part in it actively. We proposed our prizes; t-shirts, caps, back
bags with project logotype. We also participate in organization of
bard song concerts, rock concerts, help to youth collectives. I am
planning to report of results of this seminar to local authorities, to make a
presentation at commission against illegal drug dissemination, to give
information to Finnish partners of the project, to give interview.