Seminar of antidrug policy

On February 14, 15 in Saint-Petersburg training seminar Resultative antidrug management was held.

It was devoted to organization aspects of state policy in field of prevention and prophylactics of drug abuse. It was held on the basis of International of antidrug policy center of Saint-Petersburg State University and ECAD organization.

At this seminar were managers and specialists from Saint-Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Segeza, Kem, Pitkaranta, Sortavala and Kostamuksha. Our town was represented by Konstantin Barezhev, manager of Antinarkota project.

The reason for this meeting was Russian Federation safe Council statement About measures of improving state policy in sphere of struggle with illegal dissemination of drugs in the country. This document propose creation of antidrug organizations as a special structures of local government system.

Kostamuksha News 21.02.2002

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