We are opened


Last Friday there was a presentation of informational Antinarkota office.

Irina Sergeeva, vicemayor of social affairs;

Implementation of AN project is a part of working of local administration in prevention and prophylactics of amongst youth of Kostamuksha. For instance, program Make you decision also aims popularization of alternative activity and healthy way of living.

Ilkka Nissinen, youth affairs specialist of Kajaani;

Healthy way of living as an alternative to drug abuse is based on culture, sport and active style of living.

Vadim Andronov, head of Drive studio;

AN became well known at last Nord Session rock festival. I hope that useful cooperation of TACIS projects and musical studio Drive will continue.

Sergei Ketov, representative of Kostamuksha youth union;

Struggle against drug abuse amongst youth, actually, always had place. AN is a new original form of such struggle. It will be surely popular. I wish it success and hope for cooperation.

Dmitrii Ushakov, representative of Kostamus social democrats;

It`s obvious that target group should be not only those who already tried drugs, but youth eho never tried it. AN has right priorities in this direction.

Renat Sharipov, leader of Life movement;

I wish good health to all who begun this difficult affair.

Alexei Ivanov, leader of K-alternative movement;

We hope for cooperation  with the project, especially in reviving traditional Russian sport games.

Alexei Polkovoi, head of safety militia;

Militia uses repressive measures for preventing dissemination of drugs. It struggles with consequences, AN is going to struggle with roots of the problem.

Alexandr Seljanin, director of lyceum;

In cooperation with AN teachers, medical workers can use experience, collected in cooperation with Zaraza project.

Valentina Kurohtina, head of social protection department;

The main value of AN is that it is made by young and for young.

Valerii Mamontov, mayor of Kostamus;

Kostamus is a town of youth. It`s perspective and developing one. I`m glad that youth itself is going to solve its` problems. We already had experience of working with TASIC project, with municipality of Kajaani.

I think that idea of healthy way of living will be accepted by every citizen of Kostamus.

I wish success to AN and promise every kind of help.

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